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Sunday, 24 August 2014

LIEBSTER AWARD // Nominated / Thank you !

Hello ,

So I have been nominated by Javaalie and Chippie for the 'Liebster award ' . Thank you so much for nominating me , it means so much to know people enjoy my posts .

Rules of award.

 1. Post 11 facts about you.
2. Answer the 11 questions set by the blogger who nominated you.
3. Nominate 5-11 blogs with under 1000 followers.
4. Link your nominees to the post.
5. Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
6. Let the nominees chosen know they have been tagged.

My 11 facts 

1: I live in Cambridge , UK . Which is know for it's university . 
2: I'm pretty sure my pinky finger has been broken since I was born .
3: I don't crave stuff like sweets , and chocolate , I crave marmite ( don't ask why ) 
4:I'm scared of small dogs 
5:I'm a shopaholic
6: I can't sing at all !!
7: I've been lucky to travel to many exotic places .
8: I've always wanted a pet tiger , I have no idea why .
9: I've had 12 pets.
10 I've always wanted to live in America and go to an America high school after I watched high school musical when I was younger .
11: I hate feet , I always have .
12 : I prefer winter over summer .

Questions I've been asked by Chippie .
1. Who is your favorite YouTuber?
The Suggs or Beyondbeautystar
2. When is your birthday?
7th December 
3. Your favorite food?
Duck pancakes
4. How tall are you?
Roughly 5'6 idk or less 
5. Favorite show?
6. Last thing that made you cry?
This movie that I watched I can't remember the name but it was laughter crying .
7. Your favorite song?
All time favourite is viva la vida - coldplay.
8. One thing that you can't live without?
Cosy wolly jumpers .
9. Favorite things to do during holiday?
Meet up with friends or travel . 
10. Favorite quote?
11. What is your dream?
      To be successful 

Questions I've been asked by Javaalie .

•What's your favourite place ?
  Umm either the beach or Cambridge city ( they are completely different but oh well ) 
•Horoscope sign ?
  Sagitauris .
•your preference on music , reading , tv ?
    Oh that's hard either tv or music , I think music .
• Night owl or early bird ?
    Night owl . Although I do wake up early .
•Favourite thing about blogging ?
   Being able to share my thoughts and ideas .
Fact or fiction ?
   Although I live reading facts , I much prefer fiction .
Dream holiday ?
    One of the Greek Islands .
• Introvert or extrovert ?
     Extrovert !
•Favourite film ? 
    I don't really watch films but I do enjoy , love actually and the call .
Top 3 things you can't live without ?
My family and friends 
  Chocolate raisins 
    Internet .
Favourite social media platform ?
 If it's not bloglovin , it's  Instagram

My questions :
 1. What is 3 things you can't live without ?
 2 . Guilty pleasure ? ( music film etc.?)
3. Favourite brand ? ( clothing or makeup ?)
4 . Twitter or Instagram ?
5 . If a song could describe you what would it be ?
6. Dream place to live ?
7. Coffee or tea ?
8. If you could have any animal as a pet ?
9. Dream job ?
10. celebrity crush ?
11. Are you outgoing or not ?

I nominate.


  1. Thanks for the nomination! Your so sweet :)

