Hello ,
So I don't know about you but It's the beginging of the school year . School for me this year will be stressful but hopefully enjoyable ( I hope) . Let's be honest nobody would volunteer to go to school but it's something we all have to do to achieve the best possible future , also it's a place to socialise with your friends and maybe not so much your friends but peers.sith all this socialising and working you want to be feeling fresh so I'm here to show you what I take to school everday in my makeup bag .
[ I was going to do a what's in my bag but I haven't finished some of my diy's I've been doing , so I may do that in the future but we'll see ay]
These 4 items are my holy grails of my school makeup bag !!
I always bring perfume , dry shampoo , hand lotion and deodorant , as I'm a person who has pe pretty much everyday on their timetables , these just help me feel fresh and ready for the rest of the day . With perfume I always brig a travel size or one that's beginning to run out just so if I loose it it won't matter as much as a brand new one !
The second most important for my makeup bag is makeup itself . I only tend to take the bare minimal in makeup as I do NOT want to carry around my whole entire makeup bag all day , as I feel like you don't need to top up foundation 3 hours after you applied it , it won't do you skin any good !
So I just take concealer ,to hide dark circles or spots if one suddenly (re) appears . And I also take my spot stick to fight theses annoying buggers . I always carry my mascara just Incase . And I carry my life savers of vaseline and lip butter , cause let's be honest nothing is worse than dried chapped lips . I always carry a compact mirror just Incase all the bathroom mirrors have been taken up . That tends to always happen .
Now some of you May think why do you carry and umbrella everyday to school , well my answer.
that I like in the UK and in the UK you can never predict the weather it could go from the sun buring you to snow in 5 minutes ( not that drastic though) so it's always handy to keep an umbrella in a locker .
I'm probably not the only girl who brings a spare hair band or bobby pins to school as I can loose these things in seconds of just holding them , and they're not the easiest to find aswell .I'm sure if you are a girl or have a sister bobby pins are lurking everywhere around your home .
Last but not least mints , now my school are against chewing gum , so I just stick with mints and I always bring a big pack cause as soon as you give one person a mint the whole entire school just surrounds you begging for them , like no get your own pack . If this happens to you I'd advise you to open them on your own .
So these are my back to school essentials , leave a comment on what you take everday , I may need more ideas , and if you have tips on how to survive exams that would help aswell .
Okay !
Find me ;
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